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Dec 4/22 Under 50 years of God’s Grace Gathered together as the people of Riverbend Lutheran Church

Calligraphy Art: Barbara Darrah

God meets us in this holy place around His Word and Sacrament in celebration of abundant grace and mercy upon our congregation on the 50th anniversary of our historic Charter, from 1972. We gather in the Lord’s presence at his invitation and in the company of the whole Church in heaven and on earth. God speaks to us as he freely bestows his precious gifts. In response, we repent of our sins and offer up to Him our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. To this we say, “Amen! Under 50 years of God’s Grace Gathered together as the people of Riverbend Lutheran Church ‘Unless the Lord Builds the House, Those Who Build It Labor in Vain’ (Ps. 127:1) The Lord will dwell where He wishes. Even Solomon had to acknowledge that his magnificent temple was not the Lord’s dwelling as if He could be contained by it (1 Kings 8:27). David planned the temple, but the Lord planned to “make [him] a house” (2 Sam. 7:11). From David’s line came Jesus, the Son of Man with “nowhere to lay his head” (Luke 9:58). The Church isn’t our building but His (Matt. 16:18). He doesn’t wait for our invitation. Rather, as with Zacchaeus, He “must stay at your house today,” for He seeks and saves the lost (Luke 19:5–10). Come in our flesh, now “the dwelling place of God is with men.” He speaks His Word, creates faith and forgives sins. He makes “all things new,” for by His sacrificial blood He prepares a Church for Himself, a “holy city” and “bride. At the last, we will behold new Jerusalem with tear-free eyes (Rev. 21:2–5), although now we sojourn in the world, unwelcome as He was. But wherever the Lord’s name is, there He is to bless (Num. 6:27), to hear and to forgive (1 Kings 8:29–30). “Today salvation has come to this house” also (Luke 19:9).


1 Kings 8:22-30

Revelation 21:1-5

Luke 19:1-10


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