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Dec 18 Advent Adverbs: Resolutely

Calligraphy Art: Barbara Darrah

As Advent hope-filled people, We resolutely pray, “Amen, O longed-for Savior! Come, Lord, with us to stay!” God’s Word Is Fulfilled for Us in the Flesh and Blood of Christ Jesus, the Son of Mary The Fourth Sunday in Advent turns our attention toward the Nativity of Our Lord. With the blessed Virgin Mary, we await the coming of the Christ, her Son, conceived in her womb by the Word and Spirit of God. This fulfillment of the sign once given to the house of David, that “the virgin shall conceive and bear a son” (Is. 7:14), is now given to us in the Gospel. It declares that salvation is by His grace alone, entirely His work and a free gift. It also is the way and means by which the Lord our God is Immanuel, “God with us.” The almighty and eternal Son of God is conceived and born of Mary, and is thus “descended from David according to the flesh” (Rom. 1:3–4). He comes in this way to save us with His own flesh and blood; wherefore, He is called “Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). As Joseph received this sign in faith and immediately “did as the angel of the Lord commanded him” (Matt. 1:24), we also live by faith in this Holy Gospel. The season of Advent reminds us that we as individuals are part of the big picture of salvation planned by our God as we reflect on the coming of Christ to earth for us. We are called to be resolute, as in the words of the hymn “To Jordan’s River Came Our Lord”—determined and assured in Christ. We celebrate the season resolutely, sure that in Christ, God has done all that is necessary to keep us in His salvation picture for time and for eternity!


Isaiah 7:10-17

Romans 1:1-7

Matthew 1:18-25


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