Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. Galatians 3:23–26
As we enter the long Church Year season of Pentecost, the liturgical color green is commonly used for the many weeks ahead. Like many things planted by a gardener or farmer in spring, green shows growth and maturation of that which was planted. In the same way, at this time of the Church Year, we are reminded that that green carries the symbolic importance of our continued need and privilege as God’s people to grow and mature as disciples of Christ through the Holy Spirit given. The Readings in this Pentecost season often remind us of the Early Church continuing to grow and spread to all people, which has continued to us here and now beginning in our Baptism and through all the days the Lord grants us.
